Monday, March 24, 2008

Stalker Space – The New Social Networking Site

Social networking sites have exploded in popularity. With MySpace, Facebook, Jaiku, Twitter, and others you can see there's fierce competition. But are a new breed of these sites coming? Some researchers think so.

Dubbed “Stalker Space”, it will be the first “Stalker Networking Site”, or SNS for short. The Stalker Squad worked in conjunction with Microsoft to create this site, with Bill Gates calling it, “A huge leap for STAAAALKING THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Stalker programmer I. M. Leetzorz says, “The idea for Stalker Space was to allow ordinary citizens like YOU to stalk anyone in the world! This allows stalking to be much more accessible.”

In Stalker Space, you are given e-stalker tracking devices, in which you must stalk random people with. The ultimate objective is to become the “UBER SPIFFYORIFFISTASTIC HAXORZ AWESOMENESS STAALKER!!!!!!!!”, by stalking everyone.

However, the site isn't without controversy. Some say that this might convince young children to join the Stalker Squad. In fact, the site actually encourages members to recruit. Lawyer Back Thompson says, “This is simply unacceptable! Stalking people for fun?! I'm suing you!”

It is rumored that Thompson is held hostage in the Stalker Squad. Stay tuned for more updates.

1 comment:

Arts_Girl said...

i joined stalker space. in fact, i entered a stalker space sweepstake to meet randy and WON. so the Stalker Squad blindfolded me, shoved me in the back of a gas-guzzling SUV, and then I was put in a white vortex where they dangled a picture of a stick figure in front of me with a fishing rod for about forty-five minutes. it was so exciting. i would highly recommend joining stalker space. i am currently arranging a "win a thousand dollar shopping/stalking spree with randy!" but it's hard to get ahold of him...