Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stalker Squad Unveils “E-Stalking”

A few weeks ago, four year old MaryJoeBob was playing on the computer. While playing Reader Rabbit, a flashing image of Randy appeared, along with the sound clip, “I WILL STAAAAAALK YOU!!!!!!” She is currently suffering from seizures.

MaryJoeBob's parents were outraged, and decided to sue the company that made Reader Rabbit. However, they claimed that no one ever programed the flashing image.

Then how did it happen? Most stalker researchers believe it was E-Stalking. Randy sent out a malicious virus, which firewalls and antiviruses can not detect, and infected MaryJoeBob's computer. It then planted a tracking device, allowing the Stalker Squad to access any information on the computer, and more importantly, STALK the victim!

“No computer is safe,” says stalker researcher I. Will Stalk U. “Whether you have Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, it doesn't matter. RANDY WILL STALK YOU!!!!!”

But it's not just computers. Rumor has it that Apple recently made a deal with the Stalker Squad, meaning all iPods sold will secretly have tracking devices. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, says, “Hey, how did you know?!”

It has also rumored that Steve Jobs is being held hostage at Bailey Road. Stay tuned for more updates.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol. i lik the ones with computers