Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Nanostalking – The Wave of the Future?

Tracking devices have become synonymous with stalkers. In fact, the Stalker Squad has been reported to have over 999999999999999999 of these devices.

But are a new breed of these stalker trinkets coming? Some stalker scientists think so. Researchers at the MIS (Massachusetts Institute of Stalking) have developed a new kind of tracking device, one billionth smaller than current ones.

“It really is an exciting development,” says stalker researcher B. Gollywhocks. “This can be the future of stalking.”

Nanostalker tracking devices will be the size of red blood cells, small enough to fit through blood vessels. The challenge, however, is how to get them into your body.

“Some researchers are trying to make them go up your nose, ear canal, or mouth. Others are experimenting with injections.”

In fact, nanostalker tracking devices have been found in flu vaccines and other shots. Dr. BillyBobJoe says, “I had no idea I was stalking people! I just wanted to prevent the flu!”

Nanostalker tracking devices will be available for public purchase some time in November for around $999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. Look for them soon!

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